Malaysian Ministry of Youth and Sports Launches Esports Integrated

The Malaysian Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) announced an initiative called Esports Integrated (ESI) in partnership with Impact Integrated. An official press conference revealed that ESI would be focusing on building an integrated structure by establishing the following initiatives under phase one:
- A platform to manage and centralize the esports ecosystem that will include a fully online tournament engine.
- Forming the Malaysia Esports Circuit.
- Introducing the Esports Conference and Summit series (the first iteration will be held later this year).
- Advocating for better regulatory framework and guidelines.
ESI will also be helping build KBS’ official esports hub located in Spacerubix, Puchong. The hub will be an event venue, training ground for professional and amateur esports players, and an area for networking for people in the industry. It is expected to be completed in 2021.
Impact Integrated is a Malaysian company whose operations include the functions performed by a social impact agency, digital media and traditional radio platform, an ecommerce platform for local homegrown products, asset management, and affiliation with the Malaysian government.
M'sian Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) Launches Esports Integrated

Launched under the Ministry of Youth Sports (KBS) and powered by Impact Integrated, Esports Integrated (ESI) has announced their roadmap in helping build the Esports ecosystem in Malaysia.
During their press conference, ESI divulged that they will be focusing on building an integrated structure by establishing initiatives under Phase One.
Said initiatives include: a platform to manage and centralise the esports ecosystem that will include a fully online tournament engine, forming the Malaysia Esports Circuit, introducing the Esports Conference and Summit series (with the first edition slated for later this year), and advocating for better regulatory framework and guidelines.
In terms of long-term plans, ESI will also be developing a Capacity Building programme. This programme will focus on upskilling tournament and event organizers, team managers and coaches - set to begin in 2021.
ESI also revealed that they will be creating KBS’s official Esports Hub - expected to be completed in 2021 - located in Spacerubix, Puchong. The hub will be an event venue, training ground for professional and amateur esports players, and an area for networking for people in the industry.
“KBS is proud to work together with ESI to build The National Esports Roadmap, catalysing the growth of the Esports industry in Malaysia. With the rise of Esports in the region, these initiatives will not only create opportunities to upskill our youth but also provide a platform to develop and improve the Esports industry in the country," said Minister of Youth and Sports, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Sri Reezal Merican Naina Merican.
"We are proud to support the nation in building the Esports industry. ESI’s vision is to create a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem that enables growth, ensures protection and fosters diversity for Esports players of all levels in Malaysia," Ahmed Faris Amir, CEO of Impact Integrated said while introducing the key initiatives in Phase One of the National Esports Roadmap.
KBS memperkenalkan Pelan Esukan Nasional

Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) memperkenalkan sebuah inisiatif baru iaitu Esports Integrated (ESI) yang dikuasakan oleh Impact Integrated.
Intipati penting bagi Pelan Esukan Nasional ini antaranya menyentuh aspek-aspek berikut:
- Sebuah platform digital yang digunakan sebagai pusat ekosistem Esukan negara merangkumi fungsi ‘tournament engine’ secara dalam talian.
- Melancarkan Litar Esukan Malaysia yang terdiri daripada Kejohanan Esukan Malaysia dan Liga Esukan Malaysia dengan sistem pengumpulan mata yang berpusat di platform.
- Menjalankan Siri Persidangan Esukan sebagai acara tahunan dengan edisi pertama yang dijadualkan pada akhir tahun ini.
- Menyokong rangka kerja dan garis panduan yang lebih baik untuk mendorong perubahan positif dalam industri.
Selain pelan nasional, hab esukan rasmi milik KBS juga akan dibina di Spacerubix, Puchong pada tahun depan. Hab tersebut bukan sekadar untuk acara dan kejohanan e-sukan tapi juga pusat latihan.
Majlis dirasmikan oleh YB Menteri yang bertempat di Majestic Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Ministry Of Youth And Sports Announces Esports Integrated Initiative

The Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) has announced a new esports initiative, in the form of the Esports Integrated (ESI). It’s a new initiative which aims to “build a vibrant, sustainable and inclusive esports ecosystem” in the country. Carrying out the initiative is Impact Integrated.
Part of the initiative is catalysing the growth of esports in Malaysia. In the early stages, this involves setting up a platform to centralise and manage the esports ecosystem in the country. From there, a Malaysia Esports Circuit will be formed. This will consist of the Malaysia Esports League and the Malaysia Esports Championship.

Beyond that, the ESI will also hold annual Esports Conferences, with the first one planned for November this year. Going further, the initiative will also include developing a Capacity Building program. This program will focus on upskilling tournament and event organisers, team managers and coaches. Many of this will make use of the KBS’ official Esports Hub in Spacerubix. Puchong, which is slated to be compteled in 2021. The venue will serve as a venue for tournaments and events, as well as a training and networking ground for players, coaches and other industry players.
If you’re familiar with the work of Esports Malaysia (ESM), now known as the Malaysia Electronic Sports Federation (MESF), this should all sound very familiar. According to Impact Integrated CEO Ahmed Faris Amir, ESI has no legislative powers, and so will be focusing a lot of its efforts on advocacy. The ESI is also partnered with the MESF, and the two are currently discussing the differentiation of their roles.
New KBS agency to drive Malaysia’s National eSports Roadmap

The Youth and Sports Ministry (KBS) has introduced another agency, Esports Integrated (ESI), to push forward the National eSports Roadmap.
Its minister Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican said ESI would be a catalyst to drive eSports development, just as the National Sports Council drove traditional sports.
During the launch event, it was revealed that ESI’s immediate plans, in line with the Roadmap, was to debut its first annual eSports Conference as well as the Malaysian eSports Championship, both in November.
ESI’s headquarters in the Spacerubix community centre in Puchong would also be made into the ministry’s eSports Hub by 2021.
Further construction was planned to start next year to develop the space into a tournament and event venue, as well as a training ground for amateur players and pro teams.
During a press conference after, Reezal Merican assured that the agency would not clash with the existing Malaysian eSports Federation (MESF).
He explained that ESI’s duty was to execute government initiatives, while MESF was the governing body of the industry and would also aid in rolling out plans on a national level.
In addition to functioning as an agency, ESI was also a part of Impact Integrated, a company limited by guarantee by the Youth and Sports Ministry.
Impact Integrated CEO Ahmed Faris Amir reiterated that ESI was not a central body or regulator, and would work alongside stakeholders.
“In fact we have been in talks with MESF on how to work together and what each entity’s roles will be,” he said.
He added that as a corporation, ESI would aim to affect change through advocacy and lobbying as it would not have any regulatory or enforcement powers or responsibilities.